About ABA

The American Bus Association (ABA) is the industry’s most trusted motorcoach, group tour, and travel association. Representing our members in Washington, we offer legislative and regulatory support. Throughout the year, ABA provides education and business opportunities to help our members thrive in the travel industry.

The American Bus Association represents two-thirds of all coaches on the road in North America and has the largest group of motorcoach decision-makers.

Why advertise with us?

The Most Comprehensive Email Newsletter and Communications Center

The ABA email newsletter and Communications Center are the most comprehensive combination of news available for the American Bus Association. Besides covering thousands of industry focused vendors, the ABA email newsletter and Communications Center feature news and stories from top sources, magazines, and bloggers.

Limited Advertising – High Value!

We strictly limit the number of ad spots to ensure our advertisers receive maximum exposure. We’ve carefully designed and priced a variety of advertising options to ensure maximum ROI!

Constant Exposure to Highly Engaged Audience

The newsfeed is promoted via a prominent link from the American Bus Association’s home page, available to members and the public via search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. When it comes to building awareness, nothing beats frequency!

Compelling Value

  • Industry’s premier online resource
  • Ultra relevant search results
  • Substantial promotion
  • Exclusive sponsorships reserved for subscribers
  • Special advertising bundles and incentives

The Official Travel Publication of ABA

Advertising in ABA’s premier travel publication offers highly visible exposure to 12,500 readers. Produced 6x annually with 3 digital issues and 3 printed issues, Destinations includes state and region-specific coverage and special industry guides in every issue.

  • 91% of readers prefer to receive ABA publications in print and electronic formats; Destinations advertisers are automatically included in ABA’s digital edition that is hosted on buses.org all year long
  • More than 75% of owner/operators view ABA as a high-value, trusted sources of information relevant to their business
  • 65% of readers have taken action in the prior 12 months as a result of reading ABA communications

2025 Editorial Calendar

IssueIssue FocusDeadlinesApproximate Mail Date
January/February 2025

Print Issue
2025 Marketplace Issue
Cover: Not Your Dad’s Company
Tour Stop: Pensacola, Florida
City Guide: Waco, Texas
Travel Resource: Canada

Ad Close: Nov. 20, 2024
Art Due: Nov. 27, 2024

January 22, 2025
March/April 2025Cover: Cultural Diversity in Tourism: The Black and Hispanic Market
Tour Stop: US Space and Rocket Center and Huntsville, Alabama
City Guide: Hagerstown, MD
Travel Resource: The West

Ad Close: Feb. 5, 2025
Art Due: Feb. 12, 2025
May/June 2025

Print Issue
Cover: Marketplace 2026 Coverage: Reno, Nevada, Jan. 10-13
Tour Stop: Tulsa, OK
City Guide: Branson, Missouri
Travel Resource: Northeast

Ad Close: April 14, 2025
Art Due: April 21, 2025

June 6, 2025
July/August 2025Cover: Niche Is Nice
Tour Stop: 1000 Islands Ontario and NY
City Guide: Central Massachusetts
Travel Resource: Midwest

Ad Close: June 13, 2025
Art Due: June 23, 2025
September/October 2025Cover: Happy Birthday, America!
Tour Stop: Mammoth Lakes Tourism, CA
City Guide: Canada
Travel Resource: The South

Ad Close: August 12, 2025
Art Due: August 19, 2025
November/December 2025
Print Issue
Cover: Best of the Best
Tour Stop:
Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum
City Guide: Fairbanks, Alaska
Travel Resource: Marketplace Host City 2026: Reno-Tahoe, Nevada

Ad Close: Oct. 6, 2025
Art Due: Oct. 13, 2025

November 26, 2025
Deadlines subject to change

Destinations Magazine Rates

Net Rates1x3x6x
2-Page Spread$6,760$6,420$6,085
Full Page$4,270$4,060$3,845
2/3 Page$3,760$3,575$3,385
1/2 Page$2,470$2,350$2,225
1/3 Page$2,125$2,020$1,915
1/4 Page*$1,695
1/6 Page$1,445$1,375$1,300
Covers 2, 3 or 4$5,125$4,870$4,615
Opposite TOC$4,700$4,460$4,230

*Offered in Nov/Dec Best of Best section only.


Net RATEs1x
1/3 Page$1,595
1/4 Page$1,340
1/6 Page$1,085

Co-Op Advertising

ABA offers co-op single and two-page spread offerings in its print and digital editions of Destinations magazine. A co-op ad allows you to showcase multiple attractions within a single page or spread. This provides group tour planners itinerary ideas without having to do research on their own. 

Destinations Specs


2-Page SpreadTrim: 17″ x 10.875″
Bleed: 17.25″ x 11.125″
Full PageTrim: 8.5″ x 10.875″
Bleed: 8.75″ x 11.125″
2/3 PageVertical: 4.875″ x 10″
1/2 PageHorizontal: 7.5″ x 4.875″
1/3 PageVertical: 2.375″ x 10″
Square: 4.875″ x 4.875″
1/4 Page*Vertical: 3.5″ x 4.875″
1/6 PageVertical: 2.375″ x 4.875″

*Offered in Nov/Dec Best of Best section only.


1/3 PageSquare: 4.875″ x 4.875″
1/4 PageVertical: 3.5″ x 4.875″
1/6 PageVertical: 2.375″ x 4.875″


Full Page Advertorial:

  • Headline – 6 words max
  • Sub-head – 15 words max
  • Body copy – 220 words max
  • Logo – 300 dpi, eps preferred or high resolution jpg
  • Company info – contact name, phone number, email, address
  • Half Page Ad – Horizontal: 7.5″ x 4.875″

Advertorial Spread:

  • Headline – 6 words max
  • Sub-head – 15 words max
  • Body copy – 470 words max
  • Logo – 300 dpi, eps preferred or high resolution jpg
  • Company info – contact name, phone number, email, address
  • Full Page Ad – Trim: 8.5” x 10.875 Bleed: 8.75″ x 11.125″

Best of the Best


Destinations – November/December Issue

Best of the Best honors outstanding travel industry members who go above and beyond for the group tour industry. Categories include Adventure, Culture, Entertainment, Festivals & Events, Food & Beverage, Lodging, and Shopping.

Winners will be showcased in the November/December issue of Destinations and at ABA’s Marketplace!

Winners should consult with your Account Executive for package options to ensure year-round promotion of your Best of the Best award.

Multi-Media Packages

ABA offers complete packages to ensure you gain visibility in not only Destinations magazine but also ABA’s digital products. These packages offer the best of print and digital advertising to help you maximize your efforts. We can also help you create a custom package to suit your specific advertising needs and budget. 

Package 1

  • 1x Advertorial (spread) in Destinations Magazine
  • 3x Skyscraper ad on Buses.org
  • 3x Business Buzz Feature Company
  • 1x HTML Sponsored eBlast
  • 3x Social Media Post
  • Destinations Magazine Digital Edition Issue Sponsor

Package Rate: $12,000

Package 2

  • 1x Full-Page ad in Destinations Magazine
  • 2x Skyscraper ad on Buses.org
  • 1x HTML Sponsored eBlast
  • 3x Skyscraper ad in Membership Directory database

Package Rate: $8,500

Package 3

  • 1x Half-Page ad in Destinations Magazine
  • 2x Social Media Posts
  • Buses.org banner ad
  • Business Buzz eNewsletter Feature Co

Package Rate: $4,000

*if inventory permits



Avg. Monthly Page views


Avg. Monthly visitors


Avg. monthly unique visitors


Avg. time spent on the site

Increase your visibility with an online advertisement on ABA’s website, buses.org. Recently redesigned with the user experience in mind, buses.org offers an inviting, easy-to-navigate source infused with the latest technological innovations. Packed with new resources and eye-catching visuals, buses.org is the site ABA members, elected officials, the media, and consumers look to for information, travel tools, trip planning, and ground-breaking industry research.

Placement1 month3 monthsAd Specs
Banner$895$695/month300 x 250 + URL
Skyscraper$985$795/month300 x 600 + URL

Destinations Digital Edition

All advertisers are automatically included in the digital version, but now you can extend your reach beyond the print circulation with one of the many highly visible digital enhancements. The digital edition is posted and archived on buses.org and Facebook.

Member and non-member tour operators, travel agents, motorcoach operators, and receptive operators


Total Email Distribution

Full Issue Sponsorship
Runs two consecutive months
$2,940Left and Right Skyscrapers: 120 x 600px (.jpg/150dpi)
Bellyband (One- or Two-sided): 612 x 360px (.jpg/150dpi) 
Digital-Only Spreads
Three consecutive spreads available positioned after CV2/Page 1
$1,475Trim: 17″ x 10.875″
Bleed: 17.25″ x 11.125″
Cover Belly Band
One- or Two-sided
$880612 x 360px (.jpg/150dpi)

Social Media – Timeline Posts

Reach ABA’s followers with photo or video social media posts on ABA’s social accounts timelines.

Your ad will be placed on ABA’s Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages one time in the week secured.

Rate: $600 (includes one ad across all three channels)


FACEBOOK Followers


Instagram followers


LinkedIn Followers

*as of July 2024

PricePlatforms IncludedSend Frequency
$600 (weekly)

2 available per week
1 ad across all platforms:
• Facebook
• Instagram
• LinkedIn
Sends on Tuesday or Thursday

Social Media Specs

Facebook Image Posts

  • Recommended size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
  • Format: JPG, PNG, or GIF
  • Text: 80 characters recommended
  • Destination URL

Instagram Image Posts

  • Recommended size: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels
  • Format: JPG, PNG, or GIF
  • Text: 125 characters recommended 
  • Destination URL

Materials Guidelines:

  • Materials are subject to approval by ABA.
  • Assets should be delivered to [email protected]

Contact your ABA Account Executive for advertising information at [email protected].  

Twitter Image Posts

  • Recommended size: 1,200 x 675 pixels
  • Format: JPG, PNG, or GIF
  • Text: 100 characters recommended; 280 character (max)
  • Destination URL

LinkedIn Image Posts

  • Recommended size: 1,200 x 627 pixels
  • Format: JPG, PNG, or GIF
  • Text: 100 characters (with spaces) recommended; 140 max
  • Destination URL

Facebook Video Posts

  • Length: 6, 15, or 30 secs recommended. Max 240 minutes
  • Frame rate: 30fps
  • Recommended sizes: 1,280 x 720 (16:9 aspect ratio)
  • File Type: MP4 or MOV recommended 
  • Max. File Size: 4GB
  • Compression: H.264
  • Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
  • Video Sound: Optional, but recommended

Instagram Video Posts

  • Length: 60 secs recommended 
  • Frame rate: 30fps
  • Recommended sizes: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels
  • File Type: MP4 or MOV recommended 
  • Max. File Size: 4GB
  • Compression: H.264
  • Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
  • Video Sound: Optional, but recommended

Twitter Video Posts

  • Length: 15 secs or less recommended; (Max 140 seconds)
  • Frame rate: 40fps
  • Recommended sizes: 720 x 720 pixels
  • File Type: MP4 or MOV recommended 
  • Max. File Size: 512 MB
  • Compression: H.264
  • Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
  • Video Sound: Optional, but recommended

LinkedIn Video Posts

  • Length: 15 secs or less recommended (Max 10 minutes)
  • Frame rate: 60 fps
  • Recommended sizes: 4,096 x 2,304 pixels (1:2:4 to 2:4:1 aspect ratio)
  • File Type: MP4 or MOV recommended
  • Max. File Size: 5 GB
  • Compression: H.264
  • Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
  • Video Sound: Optional, but recommended

Online Member Directory

Increase your visibility with an online advertisement on ABA’s online member directory, hosted on buses.org. The online member directory allows users to find the names and contact information of reliable motorcoach and tour companies in their area, as well as other ABA members including hotels and visitors and convention bureaus.

Details include the types of groups served, main tour destinations, and the availability of wheelchair lift-equipped buses. The directory also enables users that are interested in regular route travel, search for companies providing scheduled service. Additional highlights of the directory include:

  • Real-time Information
  • Company and Person Search Options
  • Photos and Social Media Links
  • Search Criteria Based on Location, Destination, Customer Base, Supplier Type and more
  • Search by Member Type and Service Stops
  • Access Profile Forms
Placement1 month3 monthsAd Specs
Banner$495$300/month300 x 250 + URL
Skyscraper$595$400/month300 x 600 + URL

Sponsored eBlasts – $3,500

Choose to send your custom marketing message up to 12,000 group tour, travel, and bus operator members.

2 eBlasts available per month

Contact us for availability.

Material Requirements

  • Advertiser needs to provide a fully designed, ready-to-send email in an HTML file as a code in a .txt file
    • Email platforms can display your content differently, so it is recommended to use a testing service to confirm HTML validation and deliverability of code
  • Subject line for email (40 characters recommended; 78 maximum)
  • Pre-Header text for the email (75 characters maximum)

HTML Specifications

  • 650 px wide (recommended)
  • Footer to include Company Name, Valid Postal Address and Email Address
  • Mobile responsive
  • Build the HTML file with tables instead of DIV
  • All images and fonts need to be linked to the appropriate files hosted on your servers (no local files)
  • All hyperlinks need to be embedded

Deadlines & Proofing

  • Materials are due on Monday, two weeks before the scheduled distribution date.
  • Materials that do not meet stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • All content is subject to review and approval by ABA.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility and at the expense of the advertiser.
  • A proof from the email system will be sent to the advertiser for approval.
  • Any delay in the submission of materials or approvals by the advertiser may impact the distribution date.

Best Practices

  • Avoid a single image as the eblast
  • Stick with web safe fonts for the best compatibility. Hosted fonts do not work in all email clients.
  • Font styles should be included in-line on table cells. If symbols are not showing up correctly, use the HTML Entity of that character. (i.e., © needs to be inputted as ©)
  • Ways to avoid spam triggers:
    • Avoid words like “free”, “last chance”, and “offer” in your subject line
    • Do not use excessive characters like $ or %.
    • Using all caps in your subject line
    • Avoid displaying URLs that link to different web addresses i.e. www.mywebsite.com/home linking to www.mywebsite.com/best-offers.

Business Buzz 

The Business Buzz is ABA’s Marketplace flagship enewsletter and features the latest news for attendees. It is distributed to ABA entire database of members, past Marketplace attendees, Motorcoach Operators, Tour Operators, Travel and Suppliers.

Produced on a monthly basis in the months leading up to Marketplace, it is sent the second Wednesday of the month. One month from the event it is sent weekly and during Marketplace, it is the daily official newsletter for the event. 




Avg. open rate

PlacementSpecs1 Month
Ad Package 1: 
One display ad in Business Buzz
One featured company listing in Business Buzz
One video ad in Business Buzz
One placement in the media wall at the conference 
728×90 (banner ad)
175 x 125 (image or logo)
5-word headline
50-word company description
Link to your website
Link to advertiser hosted video
Powerpoint Slide with company information
Video URL hosted on YouTube or a Vimeo with screen shot to be placed in Business Buzz. Title (15 words max.) and caption for video (20 words max.) 
Ad Package 2: 
One banner ad in Business Buzz
One featured company listing in Business Buzz
728×90 (banner ad)
175 x 125 (image or logo)
5-word headline
50-word company description
Link to your website
Banner Ad 728×90
Can be a gif.  try to keep it under 5MB
Featured Company in Business Buzz 175 x 125 (image or logo)
5-word headline
50-word company description
Link to your website
Video AdVideo URL hosted on YouTube or a Vimeo with screen shot to be placed in Business Buzz. Title (15 words max.) and caption for video (20 words max.) YouTube or Vimeo Link.
No longer than 90 seconds.
Captions required if applicable.
Marketplace Photowall PlacementAvailable at Marketplace 2026Logo placement within daily recap photo montage on photowall Marketplace in January 2026.$500

Digital Ad Deadlines

2025 Digital ad deadlines

Month ad is
running in
Art deadline

Sponsored Eblast Deadlines

Must provide materials two weeks before your send date.

Ad Submission Requirements

  • Send digital ad materials to: [email protected]
  • When emailing us your materials, please include the client acronym in your subject line.
  • All advertisers are subject to review and publisher’s advertising policies.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.

Contact your ABA account executive today!

Marshall Boomer
Account Executive
Blue Territories


Schedule a Meeting

Zack Buchanan
Account Executive
Red Territories


Schedule a Meeting


Payment for all space, production, and position charges are due 30 days from invoice date; a 1.5% per month finance charge will be assessed on all payments received after that time. In addition, Customer will reimburse Publisher’s costs of collection, including attorneys’ fees, for overdue amounts. Customers more than 60 days in arrears on any Publisher invoice must pay all outstanding invoices or, at Publisher’s discretion, submit payment with copy before any current or future insertions will be accepted or run. Notwithstanding any provision in an Order or other agreement to the contrary, if Customer is an agency, both agency and principal advertiser are jointly and severally liable for all payments due hereunder. If Customer is an agency, Publisher reserves the right to notify principal advertisers regarding any overdue and unpaid invoices.


If Customer is a recognized agency, a discount of 15% of gross billings is allowed on space, color, and position, provided payment is remitted within 60 days of invoice date. After 60 days, no discount shall apply to any invoice, and the gross amount (including finance charges) shall be due and payable immediately. Customer will be short-rated if, within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion, Customer does not use the amount of media upon which billings have been based. Short rates will be based upon actual usage and published rates. Rate adjustments, if any, may be made by Publisher at its sole discretion. Rebates will be earned, and applied to billings, when, in a 12-month period following the first insertion, Customer runs sufficient space/media to qualify for the lower rate. If there is a shortfall in impressions delivered online by Publisher, such shortfall can be made up, at Customer’s option, in the period following the campaign. If there is less than a 10% discrepancy between Publisher and third-party ad server counts, then the campaign will be considered to have been delivered in full. Media billed at quoted rate will earn maximum discount based upon Customer’s annual total spend in print, eMedia, event sponsorship, and additional products as outlined at time of contract.


Except for permitted cancellations with timely notice, Customer is fully responsible for all media purchased pursuant to this Agreement.

Print: Covers, preferred, and special positions are non-cancelable. For all other positions, Orders may be cancelled without penalty by Customer only upon written notice received by Publisher prior to the issue advertising close date. If Customer gives notice after the issue advertising close date, then (i) cancellation is not permitted if materials have been received by Publisher, or (ii) if materials have not been received by Publisher, then cancellation is permitted subject to Publisher approval and Customer’s payment of a $2,000 net cancellation fee. Rate adjustments resulting from permitted cancellations, if any, will be made upon confirmation of the change in media spend. Customer is not entitled to review or revise advertisements that are received by Publisher’s production department after the issue advertising close date. If new materials or material instructions are not received by the production department by the published materials deadlines, Publisher will repeat the most recent ad materials.

Online: Online space requests are not guaranteed. Firm dates and inventory assignments are based on availability at the time the order is processed by the Publisher. Final inventory assignments are available upon request. If requested online inventory is not available, the Publisher will use good faith efforts to provide reasonable alternatives, subject to the termination rights set forth in this agreement. If Publisher does not receive online advertising materials in proper format five business days prior to campaign start date set forth on the Order, Publisher shall have the right, but not the obligation, without relieving customer of payment obligations under this Agreement, to replace Customer’s material with either (1) an ad council PSA or (2) repeat the most recent ad materials, which replacement shall be made five business days after the date the Customer’s creative is received in proper format by Publisher (rich media ads can take longer). At any time prior to the serving of the first impression of the online campaign, Customer may cancel effective 30 days after Publisher’s receipt of written notice, without penalty. For clarity and by way of example, if Customer cancels the campaign 15 days prior to the serving of the first impression, Customer will be responsible for the first 15 days of the campaign. Upon the serving of the first impression of the campaign, Customer may cancel the campaign for any reason, without penalty, by providing Publisher written notice of cancellation which will be effective after the later of: (i) 30 days after serving the first impression of the campaign; or (ii) 14 days after providing Publisher with such written notice.

Exceptions: (i) Enewsletter ads cancelled or rescheduled within 10 business days of scheduled launch date incur the full charge; (ii) Broadcast email orders cancelled within three business days of delivery date incur the full charge; if cancelled four to seven business days from delivery date, orders are invoiced 50% of the total cost; (iii) Recruitment services, ads, and ad placement fees will incur the full charge upon early contract termination.


By submitting an Order, Customer accepts these Terms. Orders are subject to these Terms. Publisher is not bound by any Order or other document that conflicts with these Terms, nor by any oral or written promises or representations made by its sales representatives, and no such promises or representations have been relied on by Customer in entering into this Agreement. Any discrepancy between the price and/or terms set forth on an Order and Publisher’s rate schedule shall be deemed a clerical error, and Customer will be charged for all advertisements in accordance with the rate schedule then in force. Uniform rates apply to all advertisers at all times.

Submission of any advertisement constitutes Customer’s representation that publication of the contents has been duly authorized. Customer (jointly and severally with principal advertiser, if the Order has been submitted by an agency) will indemnify and hold harmless Publisher, its members, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any losses, claims, suits, actions, demands, judgments, settlements or orders, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, based on the contents of Customer’s advertisement including, without limitation, allegations that such advertisements constitute libel, violation of privacy rights, plagiarism, infringement of any trademark, copyright or other intellectual property right, or caused other injury to third parties. Publisher at its sole discretion may reject advertising for any reason including, without limitation, unsuitability for the publication. Advertising copy that may be mistaken by a reader as news or other non-advertising materials must be clearly marked “Advertisement”. Publisher reserves the right to add the word “Advertisement” above or near any advertisement that in Publisher’s sole judgment too closely resembles editorial content of the publication. Advertising that elicits significant reader complaints will not be rerun until the complaints have been investigated and issues resolved.

Publisher shall have no liability for (i) delays in delivery and/or non-delivery of its services, including publication of advertisements, whether or not the causes of such delays or non-delivery are within or beyond the control of Publisher, (ii) errors in key numbers, the Reader Service section, advertisers’ index, or any type set, (iii) any corrections or changes made to any advertiser’s materials, (iv) content errors or color variations between the digital file and the printed image if: (a) a high-end SWOP proof is not provided; (b) the file must be converted to CMYK; or (c) any of the published digital specifications are not met. Conversion to Publisher’s requirements will be billed at Publisher’s cost.

Publisher does not guarantee printed or electronic results. Publisher assumes no liability for ad materials beyond normal careful handling.

Customer will provide Publisher access to its third-party ad server reports prior to campaign launch if Customer chooses to serve the campaign from a third-party ad server.

Except for the indemnification obligations set forth in these Terms, (i) each of Customer’s and Publisher’s aggregate liability under this agreement shall be limited to the amounts paid (or payable) by Customer to Publisher under the Order, plus Publisher’s costs of collection, if incurred, and (ii) neither party shall have any liability for any special, consequential, indirect, exemplary or punitive damages, regardless of whether such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy.

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of and for the Commonwealth of Virginia without regard to conflicts of laws principles. In the event of any dispute or claim arising from this Agreement, the parties hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts in and for Fairfax County, Virginia, as applicable.

Ad Submission Info


  • A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file is required for all ads.
  • Colors must be CMYK. No ICC profiles, RGB, or Pantone colors.
  • Resolution of all photography and scanned illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. Line art should be 600 dpi.
  • Vital copy and images must be at least 1/8” away from trim. Spread ads must have at least 3/8” total gutter.
  • Materials should be submitted without crop marks, but full-page ads should include the required 1/8” bleed.
  • All fonts used must be embedded in the PDF file.
  • Using the bold, italic, or other style keys is not encouraged. Please use the bold or italic version of the font. (For example, instead of making Adobe® Garamond bold with the style key, use the actual font for Adobe® Garamond Bold.)
  • Flatten all layers and set transparency to highest setting.
  • Ads must be suitable to print as-is. Association is not responsible for any errors in content.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Materials that do not meet the stated advertising specifications will be rejected.
  • Necessary alterations are the responsibility of and at the expense of the advertiser. All materials must be submitted in accordance with the published deadlines and meet the criteria stated in the advertising policy.


For instructions on how to upload your A high-resolution PDF/X-1a file, click here.


For digital submission please email [email protected] or you may upload directly into our submission portal.

For questions about your ad or the portal or if you need an invite, please reach out to [email protected].

For instructions on how to upload your file, click here.


[email protected]

The YGS Group
3650 West Market Street
York, PA 17404
Tel: 717.505.9701